I've been meaning to show these pictures of my cousin's home for about a year. Last summer we went to visit my cousin and her family.
My cousin is a few years older than I, and when we were young I thought she was amazing (still do too!). She was a model who travelled the world...she met her Italian husband in one of those storybook settings while modelling. Then later she became a highly successful businesswoman. She was always supportive and wonderful to her younger cuz, me!
They live in a small beach town a little over an hour from Rome, and if I lived there I would never leave. Look at this view! 180 degrees of VIEW at least of the Mediterranean...
This is the view if you are looking over to the right...
And the view sort of straight ahead...
And the
really cool thing is that within that view, down to the left a bit, is this castle (see below)...
A 14th century castle! Can you even imagine seeing that every morning to put everything in perspective?? I mean, here in the DC area we have beautiful old federal buildings but they are quite new compared to... A 14TH CENTURY CASTLE!! Imagine the history there...imagine what that castle has seen...imagine what was up on these hills before houses like my cousin's!!
Another view of the castle, below...
And below: Here are my kids swimming in their pool,
How cool is that??
I think these pictures could be painted and sold as beautiful paintings...not because I took the pictures of course, but because the view is spectacular!!
No place like Italy!