All Things Malachite
I love Malachite. It is this beautiful geological study in natural patterns and colors... such an amazing part of nature. So lately I keep coming across Malachite.
The first two images here are from the Wisteria catalog, They are "in the know" with the latest fresh catalog designs.
The BEST malachite I saw in 2014, though, was at the High Point Furniture Market this past Fall. I was perusing the Century Furniture Showroom, which was quite crowded with all sorts of designers, shop owners, CEOs and you name it,, and there, all of a sudden, was this unbelievable Malachite table with a lucite base. Incredible! Impossible!! No lucite base could hold up that much Malachite. I quietly sidled up to the table amongst the many professionals to... just... touch it... And, of course, it was not REALLY malachite, but just a painted finish to look like it. Beautiful! A great table for a dramatic dining room or even for an overpowering conference room. That would put people in their place.