Ever wondered if your guestroom is up to the task of being that perfect guestroom for your guests? Ever really thought about it?
A guestroom should include more than just the folded bath towels and pretty bedspreads. What makes the best guestroom? Make sure yours is top notch with these helpful hints:
1. Mirror Mirror - Make sure there is a mirror not only in the guest bathroom but in the guestroom as well. I always recommend a mirror in every room in a house, but it is imperative to give your guests that additional mirror to view themselves before they come down for breakfast.
2. Additional Blankets and Pillows - This is a must...place them in the guest closet and ensure they are clean and dust free before guests arrive.

Kristen Cone Interiors
3. Lots of lighting - Is there enough light for guests at night? Bedside lamps, a floor lamp...an overhead lamp...all necessary for every type of guest. Ambient lighting allows the guest to control lighting in their room.
Harvey M Hine Architecture and Interiors
4. Somewhere to place their suitcase...off the floor! Do you have a pretty luggage rack? A trunk or something else on which to place the guests' luggage? Get one. Or two.
Meg Adams Interior Design
5. Tissues - Yes, even a tissue box in the guestroom...not just one in the bathroom!
Harvey M Hine Architecture and Interiors
6. Trash Can - Again, there must be one in the guestroom AND in the bathroom. You have to remember that many times there might be a couple staying in your guestroom and while one is in the bathroom one might be in the bedroom... they both need tissues, a trash can, etc.
7. My mother provides the consummate guestrooms for her guests... She remembers even to have a small clock located somewhere in the room. Make it a pretty one.
... and if you don't have a clock tower out your window like the Trump Tower guestroom above, make it a pretty little clock, like this Waterford one below...
8. My cousin is also an amazing hostess, and I will never forget staying with her a few years ago in their beautiful guestroom. She included Aveda shampoo and conditioner in the shower, new toothbrushes in the bathroom vanity drawer...even new toothpaste. But the one thing beyond that which was so memorable was that she provided little local packaged snacks on the bedside table. Little snacks!! Organic nuts, berries and chocolates... How fun is that?? WHO would think of that? You should do this too.
9. Water glasses - Clean water glasses with small bottles of water are perfect for people at night. Place them on a silver tray. Such a fun touch!
10. A Lounge Chair - You MUST have a chair...somewhere to place belongings. If you do not have space for a lounge chair, at least a small chair. Sometimes smaller chairs are quite charming.
11. The last and most important thing to do.... Actually STAY in your own guestroom. Stay there overnight. Pretend you are somewhere else. See what your guestroom is lacking, if anything. Then add it.
Voila, Welcome Guests!!
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