Wednesday, April 8, 2015

DC Design House - Almost Open!

DC Design House - It's Almost Open!!!!

So the last few weeks have been a whirlwind of trying to finish up the space, then listing all items for sale in the space, and then being there with the wonderful photographer, Angie Seckinger shooting the space.  Wow.  So fun!  More of Angie's work in a moment.

So here are pictures of the finished space.  All photos are by Angie Seckinger.
Love the light in this space.  Such great light.  Sometimes it's actually a little too bright, I must say, but then again sunglasses can be worn indoors when necessary!!
See that gold vase in the foreground?  I call it Molten Lava because it has this glow coming from inside.  So very cool.

Angie is brilliant at capturing the light.  Look at these glasses!  Look at the light in the flowers. Wow.
Okay look at the little pussy willow plant.  Isn't this the cutest thing ever??  It morphs into something else every day.  It started as all the little pussy willows you see (the white ones) and then had these big yellow stamens and now they are actually falling off.  But I love this photo, with the artwork behind.
Another picture of Mr. Cow (Mabel actually) and the Molten Lava vase.  See it glowing?
The whole thought process behind this Butler's Pantry was that this is a room where one prepares for a celebration, and this room is really about the Celebration of a Good Life.  So it is happy, hip and fun with lots of great pieces to use for the parties on these shelves in the Pantry closets.
Love this cool giant plate on a stand.  Great malachite study.  And the stone is glass.  You would think it is heavy, but it is hand-blown glass.  It's a piece from Merritt Gallery of Art.  Love it.
Have you ever had the chance to just study some peacock feathers?  Well, we had to get these little babies to face outward so everyone could see their eyes.  And that's when I had the opportunity to really see how Mother Nature creating The.Most.Amazing.Thing.Ever.  They are bright, vibrant...unbelievable.  No words.

So one last picture.  Thanks for going with us on this journey.  And more follow up to come, but we are finished now!  Press Day was yesterday and the Preview Day is this Saturday, April 11th from 12-4.  Tickets are $50 for just this Preview Day.  Try to stop by.  We will be there!!

Here is the link if you would like tickets:

Hope to see you there!!


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